Amazounds: Auria Paz release party

fre 25. okt, 20.00
Dørene åbner 19.30
Huset i Hasserisgade
3'eren / Salen
50 kr.
Vis studiekort og medbring én gratis gæst
Dagens vegetariske ret
95 kr.
Start aftenen i Husets Café fra kl 17.30 med dagens vegetariske ret

Auria presents Amazounds: a music storytelling journey 


What is Amazounds?


Art manifesto

Amazounds are songs and stories that come as a voice of the jungle that arrive to Denmark and mixes with the wind and the roots of so many friends and their stories. Amazounds are sacred songs and arrive in music to you. Amazounds It’s evolution that tells stories to the future-past, in voices and sounds. 


Amazounds is the movement from the river to the sea. An infinite journey goes through the universe and takes a place in the space of online citizenship. Amazounds is the voice of so many that were silenced. Is the voice of innermost children that were abused, is the trees that were cutted, is the animal wisdom that was extinct but its higher spirit self is still guiding us. Amazounds is the medicine of sacred plants and they come through sound vibes, but not only. Amazounds is friendship, community, all the etnias, was born Latin America, but has European and Asiathic influence, as well as drums that resonate with Africa and the prayers of Oceania, some of the lyrics are sing in Spanish, other in English, with some good silence to hear the voice of the jungle. Amazounds is a mixture of relatives and strangers, musicians and shamans, acquaintances and neighbors.


Amazounds is the manifestation of our/your creative process and has the duty of being shown. 


What wants to come through it? What kind of players are we in this infinite game? 

How does the sound heals? How does the sound manifest itself through me? Through the charango? in the moment of playing with other musicians?


I love to have open questions, because life is going to answer at the right time.

We have to go through the experience to know.


We have to live the answers


Let’s listen to the answers to our biggest soul questions be whispered in the air 


Let’s listen


To the music

To you 

Let’s listen to #Amazounds



About the artist:

Auria Paz is a polyglot storyteller and musician. She was born in Amazonas, Chachapoyas in Peru. Auria believes in the power of the air and explores the wisdom of oral traditions to guide human experiences. Inspired by her grandma's teachings, she has explored the signal of life, visions and dreams. Traveling through the Amazonian-Andes, and different jungles of Brazil, old wisdom from Egypt, the discipline that gives the cold winters of Scandinavia in Denmark and Oceania and its elementals. Auria’s traveler friend is a Charango (string instrument), a gift from her Andean inheritage. 


Auria was a speaker at TEDxAalborg, in Denmark, where she spoke about the importance of rituals for our lives and projects: living keys from the wisdom in oral histories and the music of native peoples. 

You can find the link to her Ted talk here: 



Auria’s music shows respect and love for the Earth, as a living being, embracing what is visible and invisible on her. Aura's craft with communication aims to joyfully support the network of the global community of people who are committed to residing in harmony on the planet. 


You can find Auria on Spotify and all the music platforms: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0scRKyOjOLfaXdAeLC2jF7?si=CBRL4KoJTjWlRgF6KEW-uw&utm_source=copy-link


Auria expresses her vision through education: music and stories, supporting community building, humanitarian causes, circles of word for women and men, plant medicine practices, cacao ceremonies, workshops, music lessons and, one -to- one meditation and energy balance guidance.

Om kunstneren:


Auria Paz er en flersproget historiefortæller og musiker. Hun er født i Amazonas, Chachapoyas i Peru. Auria tror på luftens kraft og udforsker mundtlige traditioners visdom for at vejlede menneskelige oplevelser. Inspireret af sin bedstemors lærdom har hun udforsket livets signal, visioner og drømme. Hun har rejst gennem Amazonas-Andesbjergene, forskellige jungler i Brasilien, den gamle visdom fra Egypten, disciplinen fra de kolde vintre i Skandinavien, Danmark og Oceanien med dets elementarånder. Aurias rejseven er en Charango (strengeinstrument), en gave fra hendes andinske arv.

Auria var taler ved TEDxAalborg i Danmark, hvor hun talte om ritualernes betydning for vores liv og projekter: levende nøgler fra visdommen i mundtlige historier og musikken fra oprindelige folk.

Du kan finde linket til hendes Ted Talk her:

Aurias musik viser respekt og kærlighed til Jorden som et levende væsen, idet den omfavner det, der er synligt og usynligt på hende. Aurias kommunikationshåndværk sigter mod at støtte det globale fællesskab af mennesker, der er engageret i at leve i harmoni med planeten, med glæde.


Du kan finde Auria på Spotify og alle musikplatforme:

Auria udtrykker sin vision gennem uddannelse: musik og historier, støtte til fællesskabsopbygning, humanitære formål, kvinde- og mandegrupper, plantebaseret medicinpraksis, kakaoceremonier, workshops, musikundervisning og en-til-en meditation og energibalancevejledning.

fre 25. okt, 20.00
Dørene åbner 19.30
Huset i Hasserisgade
3'eren / Salen
50 kr.
Vis studiekort og medbring én gratis gæst
Dagens vegetariske ret
95 kr.
Start aftenen i Husets Café fra kl 17.30 med dagens vegetariske ret