Northern Winter Beat 2025
Northern Winter Beat: An uncompromising and curious collective of important music and bright people.
Or just a music fest placed in a season begun by a hyper-commercialized holiday and continued by a long and dark cold, trying to fulfill our objective of being a beacon of light when it’s most needed. Sharing the eccentrically chaotic, addictively fun, beautifully essential and interconnected sounds of the world with like-minded and curious people.
Join our consciously naive and non-commercial goal of getting together, keeping warm around the fire of the festival, to hopefully start off a new and better year.
NWB is located and organized non-profit in the intimate setting of Aalborgs center, by 1000Fryd, Huset I Hasserisgade, Studenterhuset and anyone willing and able since 2013. With off-venues, churches and our little towns regular gems, we aim to create experiences how and where you experience them the best.
Line-up: (more acts to be announced)
- Motorpsycho (NO)
- Joe & The Shitboys (FO)
- Crime and the city solution - Acoustic (AU)
- Emma Ruth Rundle (US)
- Lubomyr Melnyk (UA)
- Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado – Play Suicide & Allan Vega (US/FR)
- New Age Doom feat. Diana Burkot (Pussy Riot) (CA/RU)
- Elias Rønnenfelt (DK)
- Clarissa Connelly (DK/UK)
- Quade (UK)
- Diana Burkot (Pussy Riot) (RU)
- Contour (US)
- Naima Bock (UK)
- Hahn Teller Dyrnes (DE/DK/NO)
- Kanaan (NO)
- Snapped Ankles (UK)
- Julián Mayorga (CO)
- Lars Bech Pilgaard - Folklorica (DK)
- Buzz Ayaz (CY)
- Virta (FI)
- Fitnesss (US)
- Gabriele Gasparotti feat. Benedetta Dazzi (IT)
- Mouth Wound (DK)
- Nebulah (DK)
- Mermaid Chunky (UK)
- Manu Louis (BE)
- Die Verlierer (DE)
- Swoolish (NL)
Huset i Hasserisgade er glade for igen i år at være en del af Northern Winter Beat
Northern Winter Beat er en kompromisløs og nysgerrig festival. Eller kort sagt, en musikfestival, der finder sted midt i vinteren – en sæson præget af en hyperkommercialiseret højtid og den lange, mørke kulde. Festivalens mål? At være et lys i mørket, når det er mest tiltrængt.
Vi ønsker at dele verdens excentrisk kaotiske, uimodståeligt sjove, smukt essentielle og sammenvævede lyde med nysgerrige og engagerede publikum.
Siden 2013 har Northern Winter Beat været en non-profit festival organiseret i hjertet af Aalborg. Festivalen har sine faste rødder på scener som 1000Fryd, Huset i Hasserisgade og Studenterhuset, men også på off-venues, i kirker og byens skjulte perler. Målet er at skabe oplevelser der, hvor de føles allerbedst for dig.