Omsorg & A Mess inviterer til en helt speciel aften på Huset i Hasserisgade.
I samarbejde med 1000Fryd afholdes der dobbelt releasekoncert på Huset i et kæmpe kreativt anfald af "Do It Together". Fælles releasefest for Amess debut album ''Woman - No Man'' og Omsorgs EP, ''Echoes'
Man kan købe dobbeltbillet til double release party dagen før med Demersal og Regarding
On the new EP 'Echoes,' the Danish hardcore trio OMSORG balances savagery and vulnerability through four songs that deliver highly personal songwriting driven by social indignation, a will to live, and an insistence on love and friendship despite existential suffering, self-destructiveness, and structural pressure.
Omsorg embodies a sense of community and intention - to care for those closest to us and likewise for the strangers we may encounter on our path. It's a band based on friendship, respect, and a shared musical will, which musically and lyrically finds strength in its indignation over the state of the world and the confrontation with what challenges and suppresses us as humans - psychologically, socially, as well as systemically and structurally.
A Mess er Danmarks Rock n’ Riot Grrrl bevæbnet med elguitar og et arsenal af fængende hooks, catchy melodier og en don’t give a fuck attitude, som hvis The Breeders avlede Avril Lavigne og overlod opdragelsen til Pussy Riot. “Feministisk power pop drevet frem af rå guitar riffs” kalder det største tyske musik magasin Visions A Mess, som spår hendes fremtid som stærk newcomer på den alternative rockscene.