In a studio, very very close to the heart of Aalborg
15 people have found this place, to exercise their creative outlets.
Once they moved in, they knew it wasn’t gonna last long.. One day their beloved studio would meet its maker!
So before that, they knew that they had to get out there! Let the creative out!
After two exhibitions, the third is now on arise ..
Huset in Hasserisgade has been so kind, to let back VVSION STUDIO into their space called “TILGANG”
So VVSION STUIDIO strikes back!
Same place as last! But a new story! (Or works, new artworks but also the previous ones from KORMALERIER will be there, so if you didn’t get to see the last one - come now)
More info about the exhibit period will follow
VERNISSAGE the 6th of September
At 17.00 there will be some wine and snacks and maybe even some entertainment?!
May the art be with you