Emil Otto, vokset op i Ry nær Skanderborg, tog i september ʼ22 Danmark med storm, da hans debut udgivelse “Ainʼt Love a Beautiful Thing” ramte gaden. Albummet blev valgt som ugens album på den nationale jazz radio DR P8 Jazz, og senere hen nomineret i kategorien “Årets Vokaljazzudgivelse” ved Danish Music Awards. Sidenhen er det blevet til masser af rotation på flere af DR’s radiostationer for den unge sanger, der i folkemunde også betegnes som et nyt, moderne og originalt bud på storcrooneren Michael Bublé.
“…I min optik har Emil Otto begået en banebrydende, betydningsfuld og vanvittig ambitiøs debutplade.“ - ★★★★★ LOFTsKAMMER
Den unge fremadstormende sanger, pianist, sangskriver, komponist og ikke mindst entertainer behersker en unik alsidighed. Med sin varme karismatiske baryton vokal og historiefortælling kombinerer han, på trods af sin unge alder, respekt og viden om den store Amerikanske crooner-arv med gedigent popsnedkeri.
“…debutanten Emil Otto starter ud i høj klasse. Det er en vellykket croonerplade om mislykket kærlighed og om håb.” - JAZZNYT
Emil Otto mestrer herudover også en klaverstil, som de færreste gør. Efter at have boet i både New Orleans og studeret hos klaverfænomenet Carl Sonny Leyland, kombineres både stride piano, boogie og rhumba i et sammensurium af original vellyd.
Christine Marie Bruun Mortensen
CHRIT is a Danish theatrical punk-rock band. They write original music in close cooperation, composing and arranging all of the music together. The band takes pride in having well-written and, at times, humorous lyrics, which are delivered by a strong female lead vocalist. At the concerts, you can expect to hear a tight, cohesive band that will immerse you in a wall of sound effects, all delivered through a theatrical live performance. You really don’t want to miss a concert with CHRIT!
CHRIT released their debut single in February 2025, which was very well received. The band entered the semifinals in “Band Battle 2023” in their hometown Aalborg, and they recently paired up with the band TELUS and played - among others - a completely sold-out concert at the legendary 1000FRYD in Aalborg. They supported US rock band Skating Polly as well in 2024.
“Den lille dør”
We play a mixture of jazz/post-rock and ambient and we will do a show with a projector playing soundtracks for some pictures Andrea Sciusco took around Aalborg.
Andrea Sciusco, the drums,
Bertil Vesterlund on the trumpet,
Eduards Geikins-Tolstovs on the piano,
Thanos Mistilioglou on electronics/synths
Morten Østerlund Larsen, bass