~ Meanwhile, senses are organised ~
(English below)
3. maj - 14. maj 2024
Torsdag den 2. maj 2024
15:00-18:00 amodk unge workshop (12-15-årige)
18:00-20:00 Åbning & artist talk (alle er velkomne)
Det er en fornøjelse at invitere jer til den første offentlige fejring af "Meanwhile, senses are organised", et projekt der samler kunstnere, aktivister og socialarbejderes samarbejde. Gennem performative, digitale og grafiske formater undersøger det kunstneriske arbejde usynlige strukturer i sundhedssektoren. Fra to specifikke omsorgsbaserede miljøer i Storbritannien og i Danmark centrerer projekterne kunstneriske tilgange til hvordan man skaber meningsfuldhed i komplekse datasystemer, der styrer, hvem og hvordan sundhedspleje kan tilgås, samt i kollektive kortlægninger af kropslige erfaringer af de fysiske miljøer, som omgiver os. Ved at adressere magtstrukturers uigennemsigtighed, samt sansning som en måde at skabe mening og agens, peger "Meanwhile, senses are organised" på nye orienteringspunkter for sundhedssektoren.
"Meanwhile, senses are organised" præsenterer kollaborativt arbejde af kunstnere YoHa - Matsuko Yokojoji og Graham Harwood, Alex/Alexandra Sofie Jönsson, Cliff Hammett, grafisk designer Kamilla Mez og socialarbejdere Clara Dybbroe Viltoft og Erica Figueiredo. Projektet er initieret af lim collective i samarbejde med Hjerterummet Blå Kors og kurateres sammen med ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics.
~ arrangører ~
lím collective er en eksperimentel platform i Nordjylland, dedikeret til alliancer mellem nutidig kunstpraksis, sundhed og omsorg. Deres program inkluderer kunstnercentrerede workshops til at organisere arbejdsvilkår, udstillingsøjeblikke og arrangementer, samt kunstnerplaceringer og værkstedsaktiviteter med omsorgssamfund både inden for og uden for sundheds- og socialsektoren. Platformen centrerer kuratoriske formater, der dyrker nærhed mellem kunstneriske praksisser og lokale fællesskaber. Understøttet af Statens Kunstfond, Aalborg Kommune, Region Nord, KulturKanten, Trygfonden, BUPL, Den Jyske Kunstfond og Huset i Hasserisgade.
ARIEL - FEMINISMS IN THE AESTHETICS er en nomadisk platform for kuratering og læring. Vi engagerer os med de personlige, kropslige, miljømæssige og politiske konsekvenser af en uretfærdig verden og faciliterer mødepunkter mellem institutioner, praksisser og mennesker på tværs af sammenhænge og generationer. ARIEL består af Karen Grønneberg, Claudine Zia, Frederikke Planck Granvig og Nina Wöhlk.
~ safer space guidelines ~
We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other type of discriminatory language and behaviour. If you experience anything of this nature during or in relationship to one of our events, we encourage you to reach out to us at info.limcollective@gmail.com.
~ accessibility ~
The exhibition space at Huset i Hasserisgade is on the ground floor with step-free access from the street which is cobbled. Parking is available adjacent to the building, however, there is no designated accessible parking, and the access from the parking area is cobbled and has a slope, approximately 50 cm tall.
Toilets are gender neutral and located on the ground floor with step-free access. One of the three toilets is a licenced accessible toilet and also has baby changing facilities. For further questions, email info.limcollective@gmail.com.
~ kontakt ~
Generøst støttet af Aalborg Kommune, Statens Kunstfond, Region Nordjyllands Kulturpulje, Huset, Ny Carlsbergfondet.
2nd May 2024
15.00 - 18.00 AMODK Youth Workshop (12 to 18 year olds)
18.00 - 21.00 Opening and artist talk (all are welcome)
3rd May - 14th May 2024
Exhibition period
We warmly invite you to the first public moment of Meanwhile, senses are organised, a gathering of collaborative work by artists, activists and organisers working on and within systems of care. Through performative, digital and graphic modalities, the artistic work examines invisible structures of institutionalised care. From two specific care-based environments in The UK and Denmark the projects centre artistic approaches for sense-making in the context of complex data systems, that govern for whom and how healthcare can be accessed, as well as in collective cartographies for mapping embodied knowledges of space. By way of addressing opaqueness of power structures and sensing as making sense and means to agency Meanwhile, senses are organised points to new nodes in our care contexts.
Meanwhile, senses are organised presents collaborative work by artists YoHa — Matsuko Yokojoji and Graham Harwood, Alex/Alexandra Sofie Jönsson, Cliff Hammett, graphic designer Kamilla Mez, community worker and organisers Clara Dybbroe Viltoft and Erica Figueiredo. The project is initiated by lím collective in collaboration with Blå Kors Cafe Hjerterummet and co-curated by ARIEL — Feminisms in the Aesthetics.
~ safer space guidelines ~
We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other type of discriminatory language and behaviour. If you experience anything of this nature during or in relationship to one of our events, we encourage you to reach out to us at info.limcollective@gmail.com.
~ accessibility ~
The exhibition space at Huset i Hasserisgade is on the ground floor with step-free access from the street which is cobbled. Parking is available adjacent to the building, however, there is no designated accessible parking, and the access from the parking area is cobbled and has a slope, approximately 50 cm tall.
Toilets are gender neutral and located on the ground floor with step-free access. One of the three toilets is a licenced accessible toilet and also has baby changing facilities. For further questions, email info.limcollective@gmail.com.
~ contact ~
Kindly supported by Aalborg Kommune, Danish Arts Foundation, Region Nord, Huset, Ny Carlsbergfondet