Udstillingen er åben i Husets åbningstider indtil d. 19. august
Huset i Hasserisgade
2'eren / TILGANG
Fernisering d. 3/8 kl. 17:00
Performance i Haven foran TILGANG d. 3/8 kl. 18:00 (40 minutter)
DANCE TRACES – Ritualistic Action-paintings is a series performances by Sandro Masai that produces paintings and music. It is inspired by the African Yoruba mythology and the paintings are dedicated to the orishas (Yoruba deities). The Yoruba community spans the modern states of Nigeria, Benin and Togo, but is highly influential on the Afro-Brazilians. Sandro applies acrylic paint on large canvas using his own body in direct contact with the paint and the canvas. The painting style is abstract expressionism and the dance expression is Japanese butoh.
Music by @izemzband
This project is kindly supported by Aalborg Kommune and Statens Kunstfond

Udstillingen er åben i Husets åbningstider indtil d. 19. august
Huset i Hasserisgade
2'eren / TILGANG