~ english below ~
Workshop-serien "Body Tongues" af kunstneren Sall Lam Toro udforsker performance og bevægelse som værktøjer til at undersøge multimodale kropsligheder for trans- og nonbinære personer. Forløbet består af en række bevægelses-workshops hvor der skabes plads til refleksion og udveksling omkring erfaringer med sundhedssystemet, f.eks bekymringer, viden, oplevelser og tanker omkring behandling i det bredere sundheds-system, CKI eller Sexologisk Center. Workshoppene tager udgangspunk legende og omsorgsfulde somatiske øvelser, som giver trans-og non-binære personer mulighed for at udforske nye tilblivelser af kroppen og selvet i et trygt, kollektivt rum faciliteret af kunstneren.
Workshoppene afholdes på Huset i Hasserisgade i Aalborg.
~ Hvem kan deltage ~
Personer på 15 år og derover der identificerer sig som gender-nonconforming, non-binære eller transkønnede med erfaringer fra sundhedssystemet.
Workshoppene er gratis at deltage i Tilmelding skal ske via mail til info.limcollective@gmail.com. Skriv "LAP booking" i emnefeltet og oplys dato for den workshop, du ønsker at deltage i samt en kort beskrivelse af dig selv, og hvorfor du ønsker at deltage. Del venligst alle oplysninger, som kunstneren bør være opmærksom på, f.eks. bekymringer, sygdom, bevægelsesbegrænsning mm.
~ Tilgængelighed ~
Udstillingslokalet i Huset i Hasserisgade er i stueetagen med trinfri adgang fra gaden, der er brostensbelagt. Der er en parkeringsplads bag ved bygningen, men der er ingen certificerede tilgængelige parkeringspladser. Adgangen fra parkeringspladsen har brosten og en skråning på cirka 50 cm i højden.
Toiletterne er kønsneutrale og placeret i stueetagen med trinfri adgang. Det ene af de tre toiletter er et certificeret tilgængeligt toilet, og det har et puslebord.
For yderligere spørgsmål, e-mail info.limcollective@gmail.com
~ Nultolerance ~
lím lollective har en nultolerance over for racistisk, sexistisk, homofobisk, transfobisk og ableist adfærd og sprogbrug. Hvis du oplever nogen hændelser under eller relateret til et af vores events, bedes du kontakte arrangørerne på info.limcollective@gmail.com
Sall Lam Toro er en multimedie, anti-disciplinær performancekunstner og aktivist, der arbejder med soniske altre, ritualer og rehabilitering af sanserne fra
et queer, trans og dekolonialt sort feministisk perspektiv. I 2022 var de i residency på Art Hub Copenhagen. De har arbejdet med trans* organisationen TransAktion, the Union for BIPoC Kulturarbejdere, Laboratoriet for Æstetik & Økologi og TTGODX. De har optrådt på blandt andet Teater Nordkraft, 1000fryd og Galleri Bloody Milk i Aalborg, Dansehallernes Kora Program, Åben Dans Teater, HAUT Scene, Click Festival, Enter Art Fair, Lokale 27 Nørrebro, Spanien 19C og Rum46 i Århus samt Institut Funder Bakke i Silkeborg. Lam Toro har en BA i Kommunikation og Internationale Studier fra Aalborg Universitet og kunstnerisk træning i Butoh Dance fra Keio Universitet i Japan.
Workshoppen er en del af lím collectives LAP (lím artist placement) program.
Læs mere om programmet her: https://limcollective.info/lap
Projektet er støttet af Region Nord, Trygfonden, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, og Huset i Hasserisgade.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The workshop series "Body Tongues" by the artist Sall Lam Toro explores performance and movement as tools to investigate multimodal corporealities for trans and nonbinary people. The course consists of a series of body positive movement workshops with both conversation and somatic exercises. There will be sharing space for reflections and exchanges about experiences within the healthcare system, for example concerns, knowledge, experiences and thoughts about treatment in the wider healthcare system, CKI or Center for Sexology. The workshops depart from playful and caring somatic exercises that allow trans and non-binary people to explore new creations of the body and self in a safe, collective space facilitated by the artist.
The workshops are held at Huset i Hasserisgade in Aalborg.
The next workshop is 15 and 16 April 2023 at 1-4pm.
~ Who can participate ~
Persons age 15 or more who identifies as gender nonconforming, non-binary and/or transgender. People with experience from the health system will be prioritised.
The workshops are free to attend. Sign up by emailing info.limcollective@gmail.com. Please write "LAP booking" in the subject line. Please include in the email, the date of the workshop that you wish to participate in as well as a brief description of yourself, your pronouns and why you want to participate. Please share any information that the artist should be aware of i.e. concerns, illness, movement limitation etc.
~ Accessibility ~
The exhibition space at Huset i Hasserisgade is on the ground floor with step-free access from the street which is cobbled. Parking is available adjacent to the building, however, there is no designated accessible parking, and the access from the parking area is cobbled and has a slope, approximately 50 cm tall.
Toilets are gender neutral and located on the ground floor with step-free access. One of the three toilets is a licensed accessible toilet and also has baby changing facilities.
For further questions, email info.limcollective@gmail.com
~ Zero Tolerance ~
lím collective has a zero tolerance policy regarding racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and ableist behaviour and language. If you experience any incidents during or related to an event, please contact the organisers at info.limcollective@gmail.com.
Sall Lam Toro is a multimedia, anti-disciplinary performance artist and organiser who works with sonic altars, rituals, and the rehabilitation of the senses from a queer, trans and decolonial Black feminist perspective. They hold a BA in Communication and International Studies and English from Aalborg University and Butoh Dance (Keio University, JP). In 2022, they were in residency at Art Hub Copenhagen. They have worked with the trans* organisation TransAktion, the Union for BIPoC Culture Workers, the Laboratory of Aesthetics and Ecology, and TTGODX. They have performed at Teater Nordkraft, 1000fryd and Gallery Bloody Milk in Aalborg, Dansehallerne’s Kora Programme, Åben Dans Teater, HAUT Scene, Click Festival, Enter Art Fair, Lokale 27 Nørrebro, Spanien 19C and Rum46 in Århus, and Institute Funder Bakke in Silkeborg. Lam Toro holds a BA in Communication and International Studies from Aalborg University and Butoh Dance (Keio University, JP).
The workshop is a part of the LAP (lím artist placement) programme of lím collective. Read more about the programme here: https://limcollective.info/lap
The project is generously supported by Region Nord, Trygfonden, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, og Huset i Hasserisgade